We offer a variety of services, including road tax and insurance purchases, road tax and insurance renewals, PUSPAKOM name transfer services, and JPJ & PDRM summons payments.
Kami menerima pembayaran melalui:

Insurans Kenderaan
Dapatkan perlindungan untuk kehilangan, kecurian atau kerosakan pada kereta anda, dan banyak lagi, dengan pilihan tambahan untuk ketenangan fikiran.

Travel Insurance
Get coverage for travel delays, lost baggage, medical emergencies, and travel inconveniences.

Personal Accident Insurance
A personal accident insurance plan ensures that you and your loved ones are financially protected in the event of death or disability due to an accident. Whether for medical treatment or as a financial safety net, this plan provides the coverage you need.

Fire and Disaster Insurance
Natural disaster coverage refers to additional insurance for vehicle damage caused by natural disasters such as floods, storms, landslides, falling trees, etc. Any car damage resulting from natural disasters can be included in this coverage. However, it must be classified as a "natural disaster" and not a "man-made" incident.

Home Insurance
Get coverage for your home structure and belongings, so you won’t have to bear the cost of damages and losses.

E101 Insurance
Coverage for employees assigned to work abroad temporarily. It ensures they remain protected under their home country’s social insurance scheme without needing to pay additional contributions in the host country.

Solution for Road Tax Expired Over 3 Years
The process of renewing a vehicle’s road tax that has expired for more than 3 years. This typically involves a PUSPAKOM inspection, penalty payments, and compliance with JPJ requirements before the road tax can be renewed.

JPJ & PDRM Summons Payment
The process of paying fines or compounds issued by the **Road Transport Department (JPJ)** and the **Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM)** for traffic offenses. Payments can be made online, at counters, or through official applications.